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الجمعة 26 أبريل 2024 | 12-19-2022


عناصر الدائرة الكهربائية Circuit Elements

Electrical  Circuits     What are Circuits? Circuits are a closed path for electricity. Every electrical appliance in your home, whether it is battery operated or you plug it...

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هل يسبب الموبايل السرطان؟

Electromagnetic Spectrum The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is the range of all types of EM radiation. Radiation is energy that travels and spreads out as it goes –...

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قياس سرعة الضوء Measuring the Speed of Light

The blue glow coming from the water surrounding this nuclear reactor is known as Cerenkov radiation. It is produced because nuclear particles emitted by the reactor are moving faster...

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دوائر التوازي الكهربائيةParallel Circuits

In equation form, this principle can be written as Itotal = I1 + I2 + I3 + ... where Itotal is the total amount of current outside the branches (and in the...

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الموصلات والعوازل conductors and insulators

Insulators and Conductors    The animation at the left is showing a neutrally charged conductor and its response to charged objects being brought near it. In a...

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سرعة الصوت speed of sound

A sound wave is a pressure disturbance that travels through a medium by means of particle-to-particle interaction. As one particle becomes disturbed, it exerts a force on the next...

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نماذج الذرة Models of atom

Models of the atom   It is important to realise that a lot of what we know about the structure of atoms has been developed over a long period of time. This is often how scientific...

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المقاومة الكهربائية Resistors

Resistance Formula Resistance is the measure of opposition offered by any body to the flow of electric current. A resistor is an electronic component used in the circuit in order to...

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قانون سنل Snell\'s Law

Snell"s Law  Refraction is the bending of the path of a light wave as it passes across the boundary separating two media. Refraction is caused by the change in...

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قانون كولوم coulomb Law


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قوة لورينتز وقاعدة اليد اليمنى

Cause of Lorentz Force A magnetic field is created by the motion of an electrically charged particle—such as a proton or electron. If that electrical charge is moving through an external...

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درجة الحرارة Temperature

?What is Temperature Despite our built-in feel for temperature, it remains one of those concepts in science that is difficult to define. It seems that a tutorial page exploring the topic of...

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