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الخميس 25 أبريل 2024 | 12-19-2022

تجربة Stern–Gerlach

تجربة Stern–Gerlach

The Stern-Gerlach experiment had a profound effect on the scientific community in the early part of the twentieth century. In 1922 Stern and Gerlach
measured the possible values of the magnetic dipole moments for Silver atoms
by sending a beam of these atoms through a nonuniform magnetic field. The
classical prediction is that the deflected beam through the magnetic field
would spread into a continuous band, corresponding to a continuous distribution of it’s magnetic dipole moment. However, it was also predicted and
proven through the following experiment that the atoms would not follow
the classical description. The quantum mechanical prediction is that the deflected beam would split into several discrete components. The Stern-Gerlach
experiment is one example that help crystallize the significance of quantum

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 05-09-2020 03:56 مساءً  1  0  2.7K  15
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